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Since last we spoke Pt.5.5 2016 10k PLO: 2/2

WSOP 10k PLO Championship Event Heads Up

Loren Klein and I have an incredible history, but it's something I plan on really elaborating on in the 2018 recap. We'd played twice before this event - The first being the 2014 PLO that I got my first bracelet in, and the second being 3 days prior to this event in the Half NLHE Half PLO, where I would finish in 20th but that he would manage to win. Klein is looking to win bracelets in back-to-back events, and is the last person I feel like playing right now.

Fortunately for me he was getting some assistance from Chance Kornuth, who had coached Morgan Popham when Morgan and I were heads up in the 2014 event that I took first in. So unless Loren had a burning vessel on him and some sage, I'd likely just have to wait out the storm long enough for Kornuth's terrible luck to fuck up Klein's Chances.

Look at how unlucky this guy is. He just had a kid too. pfft

We would wind up battling for a few hours. Klein would whittle away at me on specific boards. I would smash some flop that I three bet to keep my chiplead. He would push the bracelet sitting between us in my direction as a jinx, but the Chance curse in addition to feeding me the bracelet just boosted my powers.

A break kicked in right around here, and I'm pretty sure I just melted into the ramp, exhausted, behind All American Dave's food truck for 15 minutes, before running into MOTHERFUCKING OWAIS reviewing hands with Loren while on my way back to the table.

"We'll maybe if I had a piece of you I'd be helping YOU out."

HA! Pointless. I'm a nutjob.

My favorite hand was folding the effective nut low flush in a single raised pot, on an unpaired board, where I c/c flop with fdraw, turn checks through, and I c/f river when flush completed. It's not my MO and surely terrible, but he wound up having me overflushed, so I got to feel like a smug asshole for a minute when I watched it back. This made up for a bad fold when I had Aces and NFD and folded turn thinking I had the worst made hand/couldn't call a river bet, and wouldnt get paid off if the flush completed ( wrong on both accounts ).

Eventually Chance's unholy presence brought forth the final blow of our match which was AT64 > A863 on AT8, and the inmates had taken over the asylum. It was neat both not sucking out on a guy to win a bracelet, simply coolering his face off, and also having loved ones around on the rail to celebrate with! I remember mostly feeling bad for my opponent, Morgan, the first tournament that I won, and Loren took home a bracelet 3 days ago, so I made it a point to really soak in this win because they're not easy to come by.

...Unless the guy sitting across from me is being cornered by Chance.

<3 Brandon

( I love Chance tho, for real )



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