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2019 $50/100 Dolly's Game Mix on PokerGo Day2 - Spoiler Alert: I run out of my head this episode. A nice documented reminder that god-mode does in fact exist if you cast the right spells.
2019 $50/100 Dolly's Game Mix on PokerGo Day1 - If you have a PokerGo account you can watch a bunch of friends have fun playing mixed! Lots of good banter and props inside.
2019 Poker Stories With Steve Albini - Julio Rodriguez is such a great interviewer, and Steve is my favorite person and storyteller on the planet. What could go wrong!?

2019 Pokernews Interview w Eric Rodawig - Sarah Herring talks to best guy Eric about the Polar Bear life. What a Champion!
2018 Stories From The Felt - PokerGo came and documented that time our numbero uno Steve shipped a bracelet!! Chicago crew galore!!
2016 $10k Pot Limit Omaha Final Table - I still haven't watched this shit, but somehow I managed to win it, so it's going on the page.
2016 $1,500 Stud8 Final Table - Sometimes you watch a replay and realize you didn't play heads up as badly as you had initially thought; then there are these moments. Polar Bears are supposed to be good closers.
Pokernews Podcast w/ Rich Ryan and Jason Somerville - I remember this being a super fun one for me. Love these guys!
What's in Your Sack w/ Sarah Herring - Hanging with Sarah is always a fabulous time. Let's find out what (or who) I'm lugging around with me together.
The Mark Hoke Show - This one stands out to me because Mark was gracious enough to grant me my very first interview ever. You took away my innocence, man.

Even if you look like a homeless, being on a magazine cover is still pretty great, so I'll just leave these right here. If anybody else wants to put me on their magazine cover you just go ahead and let me know.
Thanks Drew Amato
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