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"These rat fucks never saw Chicago coming, Shack!!"
Oh my, excuse my friend up there, he gets excited! Let me make it up to you by answering a few of your
Frequently Asked
How and when did you start playing poker?

Won: Tournament - $937.9k, Cash Game - $71.2k ( 300/600 )
Lost: Cash Game - $72.6k ( 800/1600 )

More Muse story!
Wow, well that sucks; so is this why you wear a hat all the time?
Yeah, pretty much.
Wasn't my first guess. Okay, so what did you play then and what do you play now?
I started grinding out a deposit bonus on Interpoker playing .10/.25 NL. Moved that money over to Full Tilt and climbed up in stakes incrementally until I got to 1/2. At this point I figured I would try short-stacking 5/10NL since the minimum buy-in there was the same as the maximum buy-in at 1/2.
I began implementing a bizarre limping strategy that was constructed to take advantage of the more aggressive 5/10 regulars. I would leave the table once I felt it getting stale, or my image worsening. I was really bad, but it didn't seem to matter much. I was making more money than I had ever seen, so I quit my job, and started playing poker full time.
I kept the majority of my winnings in a Neteller account, a virtual wallet. They went under investigation in the United States, and suddenly my money was gone! I tilt-busted what was left of my online bankroll, and decided to try grinding $5 into rent learning a different game each month. This became my introduction to mixed games.
By the time Black Friday hit, I had spent a good amount of hours playing most of the games exclusively, was integrated into a inexpensive home game with some of my best friends, and had a WSOP trip under my belt. It seemed like playing live was going make the most sense.
The Horseshoe Hammond spreads a 40/80 ( now 50/100 ) mixed game bi-weekly with many of the characters you already have or will be hearing from. This will forever be my home casino, and the 40/80 was my main game before coming to the Commerce, where I am now fortunate to be part of a 400/800 18 game mix.
Edit 7/31/2000 and I'm currently in Las Vegas playing anywhere from 40/80 - 300/600 mix live, and log most of my online hours playing 10/20 PL BigO and $20 Zoom Sit and Gos with my friends
Tl;dr, what's the most you've won/lost in a day?
If I'm being honest, so many aspects of poker never appealed to me. In 2006 I was deep into a musical path when I met a band by the name of Muse. This was before they began writing propaganda music for junior high-schoolers, and depressingly basic pop rock ballads - "old Muse" were one of my favorites, and I was introduced to the great game of No Limit Hold 'Em by their singer Matt.
After spending some time together, and discussing working with one-another, I thought it might be nice to better familiarize myself with poker since the band enjoyed playing during their downtime. Things fell through, and as a young kid I took it hard, abandoned music, and started playing cards. Boo-hoo.
Hmnn maybe I should start learning mixed games. Which one's should I work on first?
As a general rule I would always advocate spending your time learning the game that seems most fun for you, and will best keep your attention.
The 3 games that appear most in a mix are Omaha 8 or Better, Stud 8 or Better, and 2-7 Triple Draw so any of those seem like efficient choices.
Badeucey and Badaci are two newer games that are not played online, but are frequently played live. Learning them could put you ahead of the majority of online players you may see in future Brick and Mortar mixes.
What resources or software would you recommend?
Can't help you much here as I have always been bad at taking advantage of available information. I bought a bunch of books and subscribed to some video training sites, but read none of them and only watched bits of a few videos. No Huds either.
Seems like signing up to a site like UpswingPoker, Runitonce, or watching Twitch streams from jcarverpoker, Doug Polk, or somebody like George Danzer would be useful and motivating.
I like watching Final Table replays personally. Good luck!
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